Frozen III

7 min readMay 18, 2021
Poster of Frozen-3

After Elsa reached Coronation Day. She found lots of people waiting for Anna. Elsa also waited for Anna. At last, Anna came. They had lots of fun celebrating Coronation Day.

Queen Anna

When Elsa was going back to her home in the Enchanted Forest, she wanted to go to her Ice Palace first. When she reached her Ice Palace she fixed a few broken parts and repaired the palace with her magic. After Elsa fixed those broken parts she decided to keep her memory in it. First, she made some ice crystals and she put them in her hair, and then took it out. Then she made an icebox where she could keep the crystals.

Elsa decided to put the palace in the Enchanted Forest. She had an idea. She lifted the Ice Palace. Then froze the water, and let the Ice Palace slide.

Enchanted Forest

But there was one problem. When Elsa reached the Enchanted Forest, Elsa couldn’t let the palace slide again. If she froze the land it would become snow. Now, what shall she do?

Elsa had an idea. Elsa removed a little bit of snow, as big as her ice palace and she climbed up and let the ice palace slide. But Elsa couldn’t find a spot to keep her ice palace. At last, she found a spot to put her ice palace.

Then she got some news that the forest was again in a trouble. So she decided the slide down the frozen water. When she reached Arendelle, she saw Kristoff on her way along with Sven.

Kristoff was going to his home to the Trolls. That’s exactly where Elsa wanted to go too. Sven was breaking the ice with its legs. So Elsa, Kristoff, and Sven started to float away from each other. Now Elsa kept her leg in the water and the water started to freeze again. At last, they could walk.

Sven promised that he would never do that ice mistake again. And Kristoff asked, “Ok. Will you never do that again?” So Sven nodded to say yes. Now they set off to the Trolls.

It was a long way to reach the Troll’s house. So Elsa decided to make an icy roller-coaster. First, she froze the way to the Troll’s house. Then she made a boat and Kristoff and Elsa sat on that boat. And Elsa made a little ice rope on Sven to go. Then they sat out. It was a fun roller-coaster ride. Sven has lots of fun sliding on the ice, while Kristoff was scared.

Kristoff asked, “Why are we not reaching my house?” Elsa said, “Because it’s a long way.” Kristoff said, “Oh. Okay.” The ride was about to finish. Sven got sad and Kristoff got happy to reach the house. Then Elsa asked for help from the Trolls. The problem was that all the spirits of the enchanted forest were missing. Elsa was the fifth spirit, but she wasn’t missing.

Grand Pabbie told them that all the spirits have gone deep, deep down the water to save the enchanted forest again. The real problem with the spirits was that they were stuck in the water and couldn’t come out. Because someone in Arendelle built a dam again.

“How can this be?”, said Elsa. The dam was broken by Anna. “Why did they build the dam again? Maybe, I need to go to the palace and tell Anna about it.” So Sven was very happy because the ice ride was about to start again. Elsa quickly froze the way to go faster to Anna. She made a roller-coaster again leading to the palace.

Now Sven was enjoying the ride. But this time Kristoff was not so scared. He was excited to tell the news to Anna. The news that the dam is built again. At last Elsa, Kristoff and Sven reached the palace.

When they reached the palace, they saw Anna eating a cake at the dining table along with the whole of Arendelle. Kristoff quickly informed Anna and the whole Arendelle that the magical spirits of the enchanted forest were stuck. Anna asked them a question — “Did they build a dam again?”

“Yes”, said Kristoff and Elsa. “So we must break the dam again”, says Anna. So Anna ordered all the servants to figure out who asked the other servants to build the dam. Anna, Elsa, and Kristoff didn’t know who built the dam again.

So, Elsa started to find a clue. At last, she found one clue. The clue was — to go to the dam and check its design and identify the servant who has the same design on his shirt. And she found the one who wore this design. Elsa asked him, “Are you the thief?” “No”, shouted the servant. Actually, the servant was not from the Arendelle kingdom. He was from Weselton. “Duke, Duke, come here!”, the servant shouted. The Duke of Weselton came quickly with his bodyguards and Hans.

The Dam in Enchanted Forest

“I made the dam”, said Hans. At this, Elsa got very angry. She asked Hans, “Why did someone from Weselton kingdom come here? I made a rule that no one should come from that place.” She asked Anna to sent back the Duke of Weselton right away. She ordered her servants to get the sails of the ship ready. The Duke of Weselton and Hans were sent away.

After they were sent away, Elsa said to Anna, “Do you want to see the Enchanted Forest? I made new ice sculptures there.” Anna said, “Yes!” So Elsa made a boat and sailed away with Olaf.

On the way, Anna suddenly got bored. “What happened”, asked Elsa. Anna said that she wanted the boat to go faster for her to have fun. Then Elsa has an idea. She froze the water. Anna shouted, “wee this is fun!” Soon they reached the Enchanted Forest.

Olaf too enjoyed the ride. But Anna had one problem. “Where is your Ice Palace?”, asked Anna. On those hills, Elsa said pointing to some hills.

So, Olaf asked, “Can we go for a ride, again?” Elsa liked the idea and said yes to Olaf. So Elsa froze the way and built an iceboat again. Then they sat in it and this time instead of Anna, Olaf shouted, “wee. This is fun!” On the way, Olaf’s nose suddenly fell down. “Never mind”, said Anna. “I can put the carrot nose back.”

Anna, Olaf, and Elsa in the snow boat

When she put the carrot back on Olaf’s nose, the carrot nose broke into two pieces. Anna got worried. They had no carrots! Suddenly, Anna had an idea. She asked Elsa to make a new carrot nose. Elsa made one, but it too broke. Then the boat and her Ice Palace started melting.

“Oh no!”, shouted Anna. “What’s happening,” Elsa said that her magic was getting away. So that’s why her spells were melting. And then soon Olaf started melting. Elsa tried to make a snow flurry for him but it melted suddenly. Before Olaf melted fully, Anna and Elsa said goodbye to Olaf. There was no way to get across anything. “Oh”, Elsa suddenly said. “My ice powers are going because all of the spirits are stuck inside the dam.”

After a few minutes, Elsa’s powers were all melted. If Elsa breaks the dam, then she would get her ice powers back. So, Elsa and Anna decided to go to the dam. Then they reached the dam.

The last time Anna broke the dam with one of the spirits. So this time, she tried to break it with a big rock. She rolled a big rock to the dam, climbed on it, and started jumping on it. But it did not break even half of the dam. It stayed the same as before. Anna had an idea. She started gluing smaller rocks to make a heavier one. When she finally jumped on the heavy rock, half of the dam broke, and she fell down. She called Elsa for help.

Elsa said, “remember, my ice powers are melted away. But luckily I have half of it.” She made a frozen ladder to bring Anna up. Elsa picked a piece of the dam and read on it that: If the fifth spirit breaks half of the dam, then she gets half of her powers.

Once again Anna started sticking smaller rocks to make a heavier one. But the dam only broke from above and not below. Suddenly, a spirit came out of the dam. It was Elsa’s horse — the Water Spirit.

Elsa and the Water Horse

Then Elsa had an idea. She asked Anna to give her some glue, but Anna asked, “why do you need the glue?” Elsa explained that she wanted to stick big big rocks to the horse. Anna rolled four big rocks. Again Anna started to stick small rocks to make a heavier one, including some space for the horse’s hoofs. Finally, the dam broke fully and all the spirits came out.

All the spirits went to a party at Arendelle. Everyone in the whole city came to the party. The whole Arendelle then moved to the Enchanted Forest.

The End.

